FrontPage > Verbs and Time Game
Have students write each word on a card.
On the back, have them write the forms of the verb and a sample sentence.
Make one class set for practice or have each student make their own set.
Color coding is by pattern of the BASE-PAST-PAST PARTICIPLE,
in X-Word terms,
Vb, VXD, Vd-t-n: It helps the students memorize.
2 forms for regular and ABB; 3 forms for ABC verbs, etc.
Yellow: regular want wanted wanted
Blue: ABB have had had
Pink: ABC do does did
Green: ABA come came come
White: AAA put put put
to be is the only verb with 8 forms (see be card below)
Source: BYU Corpus of Contemporary American English
See examples below!
regular verb -- front |
regular verb -- back |
to be - front |
to be - back |
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